INTO Concept & DISEÑOS ERGONÓMICOS 108 to start collaboration in the Spanish market area

Agent collaboration in Spain will enhance our customer promise of great customer care and service.

We are happy to announce a collaboration in the Spanish market area with the local agency Diseños Ergonómicos 108. This partnership will enhance the customer care and services provided in Spain which aligns with our values and customer promise.

DISEÑOS ERGONÓMICOS 108 is a company specializing in ergonomic chairs and contract furniture and was founded in 2003. Located in Valencia with collaborators throughout the Iberian Peninsula, the company helps its customers with years of experience and knowledge of the furniture sector.

In the future, Diseños Ergonómicos 108 will help with all projects in Spain.

+34 961 220 110

Calle 31, Nave 13, Pol. Ind. de Catarroja
46470 Catarroja (Valencia)

Avda. Ramón y Cajal, 108
Catarroja (Valencia)