INTO KIMPASSA* Pop up -coworking space in the city centre of Helsinki
We are so excited to inform that INTO Concept crew is moving to Helsinki downtown, Keskuskatu 5, to work for one week during the Helsinki Design week!
The work week will be filled with key note speakers, good conversations and casual encounters, however not forgetting the partying.
Keynote speeches:
Physiotherapist´s info on ergonomics at work
Monday 11.9.2017 11.00 am
Chief Physiotherapist of Bodium Kaivopiha, Work Physiotherapist and PhysioTrainer Katja Arkela-Lindström is having an info session on ergonomics at work. After the info she will be offering walk in short Physiotherapist sessions & consultations until 4 pm.
Activity based office PERKELE*!
Tuesday 12.9.2017 11.00 am
The keynote speech of the designer and founder of Into Concept, Jari Inkinen is taking a stand how a positive matter became a curse word. Activity based office PERKELE*! What if activity based office would not be more than a name for an appropriate and versatile working environment? From which ingredients does a future proofed, healthy and appropriate working environment consist of? Come and hear the answer!
It is tricky to saw with a hammer
Wednesday 13.9.2017 3 pm
The keynote speech of the Chief specialist, workplace environment and change management Catarina Wikström tells why often during the work environment change one tries to “saw with a hammer”. Why is it tricky to saw with a hammer? How important it is to choose the correct tools for the job in hand? Come and hear how work environment change is lead to a successful end result.
* Kimpassa is a Finnish word meaning coworking related to creative communication and fun
** A strong Finnish curse word
*** Piukeena is a Finnish word meaning super happy and excited