New life for INTO POINT modular sofas

INTO POINT sofas got a second life from Mandatum to Helsingin Suomalainen Yhteiskoulu (SYK).

Our POINT sofas get a new life thanks to recycling

INTO Concept has a core value of having our products responsibly manufactured, ecologically beneficial to the planet, and have a long lifespan. In the past, we have also recycled our products.

When our customer Mandatum told us how our POINT sofas would be recycled, we wanted to find a new place for them. We contacted Helsingin Suomalainen Yhteiskoulu (SYK) school since it was already a familiar location. INTO Concept’s CEO’s children are old high school students of SYK. SYK agreed excitingly straight away. The sofa modules were designed to go to the lounge area of the school. This donation worked for Mandatum as well. And so, we donated to SYK our long-lived, movable, and high-quality POINT sofas. SYK is located in Etelä-Haaga, Helsinki. Approximately 1180 students attend SYK from classes 3 to 9 and high school, which prepares the students for the national matriculation exam or the International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma.

Moving from Mandatum to SYK in one day

We gathered our INTO team and picked up the POINT sofas from Mandatum with a trailer. Some of SYK’s students helped us carry the sofas at the other end.


The POINT sofas were placed in the lounge area of SYK, where students can sit comfortably. Underneath the sofas are wheels, which help to move the sofas from one space to another. The metallic bracket helps with installation and ensures the sofas stay together as a module while moving them. The students immediately noticed that these curved sofas can be made to many comfortable combinations.


Curved sofas make for soft shapes in a concrete architectural environment

The POINT sofas from Mandatum were altogether 45 pieces, of which a couple were left to form two fixed sofa ensembles alongside the chairs in the lounge. The rest of the curved sofas, in total 36 pieces, found a new home in the SYK’s lounge areas.

The differently shaped POINT sofas created playful and soft shapes.

Point sofas have a natural color grey, which fits well with the architecture of SYK.

After we donated the sofas, SYK gave us feedback that the students have liked them very much since the donation, especially due to their modularity and comfortable seating position.